Marine Fluid Analysis
Marine Oil Analysis tells predicts failures early
Engine Oil Analysis
Taking samples of your boat’s engines will help you identify issues early before they cause you problems on the water. From your main engines to your generator we can test them all and give you insight as to the health of each engine.
Common Sample Points
Port Engine
Starboard Engine
Typcial Price per sample: $21.00
Basic Testing Package
Fuel Dilution
Coolant Analysis can help identify head issues early
Coolant Analysis
Sampling coolant on a closed-loop glycol-based cooling system can help predict cooling issues early.
Common Sample Points
Any closed-loop glycol based system
Typcial Price per sample: $21.00
Basic Testing Package
Visual Oil
% Glycol
Clean Diesel Fuel is Essential to your Engine
Diesel Fuel Analysis
Water is an ever-present threat to your diesel fuel in a marine environment. Sampling regularly and changing filters gives you peace of mind the next time you head out.
Common Sample Points
Port Engine
Starboard Engine
Bulk Fuel Purchases
Typcial Price per sample: $21.00
Basic Testing Package